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Can One Travel Abroad for Free?
Many people especially youths and young adults are becoming more interested in traveling abroad for free – leaving their home countries for a more advanced society and this has been a bone of contention as many people have sought after diverse means of leaving their countries.
Before now, people who were so desperate to leave their hometown went through illegal means such as illegal boarding of ships crossing the sea into another nation. Unfortunately for some, they lost their lives in the process. Over 10,000 people have died on the Mediterranean route and the deserts. Those who died in the deserts are far more than the dead victims along the Mediterranean route.
The quest to move to a greener pasture has been a major concern, especially in Africa. Many young people are of the opinion that there are better opportunities outside the shores of their continents, luring them into all sorts of illegal migration.
This article will explain diverse opportunities and routes opened to legally migrate into more favorable continents without paying much or at all. Today it is easier to travel abroad free through various scholarship schemes, workshops, conferences, be it academics or professional, fellowships or even visa lottery.
How Can I Travel Abroad for Free on Scholarship?
Any hesitation about studying abroad is usually related to the cost, however, what most students don’t know is that they can apply their on-campus aid package in addition to scholarship. A study abroad scholarship is a monetary award for students to use towards the expenses of their programme, such as travel cost, credit, books and lodging.
Some scholarships are highly competitive while some are under-utilized. There are several types of study abroad scholarships to apply for such as: merit-based, these awards are based on a student’s academic, artistic, athletic or other abilities. Qualifications for different scholarships may vary from the other.
Over time, many students around the world, especially the developing nations have been benefitting from the free scholarship programmes organized by different agencies to make their study experience a smooth one. Studying abroad usually comes with a hefty price tag and only a few people are able to afford it, however, scholarship programmes have helped to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor by providing form leverage for brilliant students who are not able to fund their studies.
Although scholarship applications may be rigorous and stressful it offers a wonderful pay cut if you are able to scale through the hurdles. Some scholarships offer even free residence and also bear the cost of study materials aside from tuition.
In essence, you get a good quality education at no cost and even live your dream of traveling abroad at no cost. In order to become a beneficiary, you need to take some certain steps which include; ask for help, First and foremost, don’t be afraid to reach out to the people around you for help.
It is also important for you to do your personal research, it cannot be said enough. The more scholarships you can apply for, the more financial aid you will get. Some scholarships are merit-based, student-specific, destination-specific, program-specific, subject-specific, University-Provided Study Abroad Scholarships/Grants, Organization-Provided Scholarships/Grants, Government-Funded Scholarships/Grants for Study Abroad.
It is also very important to contact the scholarship board. Contact the Scholarship/Grant Funder Directly to confirm the availability and eligibility status for the scholarship. Then after confirming the scholarship, align your resume as it is an important part of your application.
Cover letters go hand-in-hand with resumes, and are sometimes a crucial part of an application, as they can be your one chance to make an argument for why you deserve to be awarded a scholarship. Most study abroad scholarship essays and applications require personal references; that is, someone you’ve worked with either in a professional or academic setting. Therefore, it is important you choose and contact your referee. The next phase is to apply after gathering all the necessary documents.
Travel abroad for Free for Conferences.
Conferences bring together people from all different geographical areas who share a common discipline, and this a great way to meet new people. There are a lot of free conferences available to people in different disciplines, giving them the opportunity to learn or communicate their research findings.
Top 10 Fully-Funded Conferences to Travel Abroad for Free
- POGO-SCOR Visiting Fellowships For Developing Countries: a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) for international students.
- Travel Research Grant to Poland for 3 Months: This Conferences & Travel Grants scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Law (in particular human rights, constitutional law, international law); political science; contemporary history.
- United Nations Journalism Fellowships in US: a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by The Dag Hammarskjöld Fund for international students. This Conferences & Travel Grants scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Journalism.
- University of Toronto – Petro Jacyk Visiting Scholars Program in Canada: is a Full Funding international scholarship offered by the University of Toronto for international students. This Conferences & Travel Grants scholarship can be taken for pursuing in This focus includes state- and institution- building in Ukraine; law and governance; problems of democratization; education, culture and identity of the nation and ethnic groups in Ukraine; history and the imperial past; and foreign policy and international relations.
- Turkey Europe Future Forum Program: is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Istanbul Policy Center at Sabanci University and Stiftung Mercator for international students. This Conferences & Travel Grants scholarship can be taken for pursuing in International Relations between Turkey and Europe.
- Diplomat Summer Fellowship Program for Social Innovators: is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Diplomat for international students. This Conferences & Travel Grants scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Entrepreneurship and social innovation.
- Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada – Media Fellowships: is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada for international students.
- Rotary Peace Fellowships: is a Full Funding international scholarshipoffered by the Rotary International for international students. Open to all nationalities; this Masters, Conferences & Travel Grants scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Peace and conflict prevention and resolution.
- Visiting Graduate Research Internship: This Conferences & Travel Grants scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Applied Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Health, Safety & Environment Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering or Petroleum Geosciences. It is a Partial Funding international scholarship.
- T2M Fellowship for International Researchers: is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the University of Turin / Università Degli Studi di Torino (UNITO) for international students. This PhD, Post Doc, Conferences & Travel Grants scholarship can be taken for pursuing in All scientific research disciplines, except Engineering and Architecture.